Thursday, April 17, 2014

The week so far

Last night I heard a couple of barred owls making their funny monkey noises, up close.  I snuck outside for a closer look and there they were!  In the trees right by the garage--whooping and cooing and ark-ark-arking away!  And they were....

Mating.  Oh, dear..  I felt like a voyeur.  A cross-species peeping Tom.

I snuck away.

As to my week and why I've no good pictures to post, it's like this.  I can't log anywhere near eight hours a day on my contract.  I can't get out of bed on time, and when I come close to on time, everything breaks, crashes, burns or demands immediate attention.

My taxes are screwed up and need to be amended.  My garden is dying, first from the frosts and then from the dry wind.  The bathrooms are filthy.  The floors are more hairs than carpet.  The hummingbird feeder pulled its hook out of the roof, crashed, and broke. When I brought it in to refill it, I brought in a couple of million ants who are wandering around the kitchen, disoriented and doomed.  And every thing I pick up, I drop.

Even a Friday can't fix this disaster

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