Monday, October 28, 2019

Such a good title, I wanted to like it

The Coincidence of Coconut Cake
by Amy E. Reichert

Such a sweet little book and I have to recommend it to everyone...but it left me a little flat. I just wasn't/am not/have not been for a long time, a big fan of romantic comedies. Like coconut cake, it was sickeningly sweet with almost no fiber. There is a good looking recipe for coconut cake at the end.

I knew there was going to be an element of romance but I thought there was going to be more restaurant management, character development, and especially more food. She describes her food critic as being able to write about food in an exciting, compelling way; one that went beyond superlatives and made you share the dining experience in an almost visceral way. Was that wishful thinking on the author's part? Because she didn't--and I don't know if that was because she couldn't, or because the editor told her to cut the food porn and stick to the romance.

Add onto those complaints my eternal dislike of the writing style of alternating chapters between "he" and "she" POV...and I almost gave up halfway. But on the other hand, it was a refreshing demonstration of the "rescue myself" theme of women's fiction. True, the heroine didn't realize she was dating a jerk until events slammed her in the face and forced her to; but at least she learned from the experience.

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