Monday, December 30, 2019

Gorgeous coffee table fare

The Jemima Code
by Toni Tipton-Martin

I'm going to have to rate this as a did-not-finish. It's a gorgeous book, expertly written and seriously researched. My only issue is that it's "too much" to read straight through. As a reference work or a coffee table book, it's perfect.

The other reason I gave up was that in the interest of quantity--was it really necessary to review every single Soul Food title of the sixties and seventies?--they sacrificed on quality.  Each cookbook had barely enough content to keep me reading for a minute, and then it was on to the next book.

No complaints--nothing but applause!  But don't try to read it like a novel--treasure it as a glory of facts and history and honor for the writers of all those cookbooks.

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