Thursday, December 19, 2019

Last Day at Canyon Lake

I have no notes about the trip back. I remember it was mostly painless.

Bird summary: Osprey (at least two), Bald Eagle (2), Belted Kingfisher, Yellow-rumped warbler, mockingbirds all over, bluebird, turkey and black vultures, Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Cormorant sp., big flocks of something migrating south, and a bunch of unidentifiable sparrows.

1. Don't trust supermarket packaging of corn meal--or anything else that's prone to impact-driven, disastrous explosions.
2. Take a walk every day no matter what.
3. When we don't have the boat, be sure to schedule side-trips so we don't end up sitting around and being bored. Ed really enjoyed the eating out and shopping in San Antonio. I did too, but would have been equally happy bird watching.

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