Monday, December 30, 2019

Missed a good one

We Were the Lucky Ones
by Georgia Hunter

I lost the review I wrote on this. But I am not qualified to post it anyway, because I stopped reading halfway through. It's written in chapters alternating between the different members of the family--the parents, the son who escapes to Argentina, two young husband-wife couples, and another daughter. Possibly I've missed one of these--don't quote me.

I've read so much about the war and concentration camps and suffering of Jewish people under the Nazis, I couldn't get up the appetite for reading more. Plus, I didn't realize this was a true story, so I kept thinking these were a fiction author's trumped up tales--which wasn't true at all. My mistake and my loss--when I realized it was due back at the library, I picked out the most interesting story line about the husband and wife who pretend to be gentiles and end up in a Siberian detainment camp-- imagine having to melt the ice off your child's eyelashes each morning so he can open his eyes? It turned out to be such a thrilling story I wish I'd read the rest.

So, no rating but I give the book a thumbs up.

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