Friday, December 20, 2019

Run on in many delightful ways

Jog On:
How Running Saved My Life
by Bella Mackie

Hard to believe any editor would have allowed so many run-on paragraphs. She just starts unloading her personal experience and on it goes and on it jogging. Jog On! But--strange as it may seem--it was good. You might have to insert your own paragraph breaks from time to time, but the adventure never lagged.

I highly recommend this book to aspiring runners or persons fighting anxiety. It was very encouraging to me, too. While I've never experienced the kind of public panic attack she was sometimes hit with, even I have had moments where I just want to curl up in a ball and shake. My moments always have a cause; hers were somewhat random and debilitating.

With a little anti-anxiety medication and a whole lot of jogging, she came through. Her writing is personal and honest, and you don't come off thinking of her as some impossibly competent recovered addict who now sits on top of the world, benevolently smiling on the lesser beings. Not at all! She's like a real friend who struggles through the days just like we do...until time to go jogging.

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