Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gardening in my Roots, Lettuce Season is Ending Soon but meanwhile

I'm eating lettuce every day and still can't get on top of it. It's nearing bolting time!

I planted these varieties: Speckled Bibb, Salad Bowl, 'gourmet blend', and Parris island cos (that's the romaine) on the right. So I really have no idea what is what. Except for the onion. I know what that is, but not where it came from. It just came up in the vicinity of where onions where growing last year.

According to "", you can cut bolting lettuce back to the stem, and if it survives the summer, it will resprout and produce a second crop in the fall.  I added the words "if it survives the summer" because in North Texas, who knows? It also says that you can save the seeds--most lettuces are self-pollinated. So maybe I'll cut half of it back and let the rest go to seed.

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