Thursday, June 24, 2021

Gardening in my Roots, end of June


We interrupt this presentation for a garden report:







Good! A first carrot harvest; more to come. 




Sadly, they're not real tasty. I was warned that carrots, like most cool-weather crops, are not very sweet if you leave them until June. I need to get them started earlier next year. 


The beet harvest turned out much better than expected. If you consider that the farmer's market probably charges about $3 for a bundle of four beets, then I clearly harvested about four of five dollars worth today. They were mostly small, but tasty. I have two different varieties planted and I don't know which is which--one is smaller, with dark red-green leaves; the other has bright green leaves and is much larger. But the one of the bright green variety I harvested last week had no flavor. Today's were the dark variety, and they tasted just fine.

I also found a rogue cucumber growing where I didn't plant any. But I did have cucumbers in that spot last year--Suyo Long. But this looks more like the other variety I had, Straight Eight. We will see. If either of those were hybrids, then it's very possible that this cucumber will taste horrible, being a throwback to one of the hybrid variety's parents. We will see...if no horrible varmint steals it off the vine before it's ready.

 First purple hull peas are coming in.

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