Saturday, July 24, 2021

Couple of pleasant but forgettable YAs

 I'll Be the One

by Lyla Lee

Very amusing book about a young woman who has decided not to let her weight get in the way of pursuing her dreams. And the dream she's working at the moment is winning a contest to become the next teen K-Pop idol. Impossible, no?

Her mother thinks so.

So very unlikely and so very enjoyable. But she didn't fudge reality too awful much--I can't tell the ending, but let me just say it was satisfying without being roll-your-eyes impossible.

I think the author has tons of promise. She can create people who are realistic and really likeable all at once. Not perfect, but perfectly endearing. Even the conflicted and confusing mother had a backstory that almost, but not quite, explained her behavior. You kept wishing she'd try just a little harder...but not hating her that she just couldn't.

Forward Me Back to You
by Mitali Perkins

Good and not predictable. Isn't that enough to say?

It's the intertwined story of two kids who become friends when they're both pushed to volunteer as helpers on a mission trip, to a rescue house in India. There they both learn some unlikely lessons from some very strong people. It's not preachy--except about human trafficking--and it's got enough emotional dept to keep a very engaging story moving along...well...engagingly.

As an old reader, I found the "twitter style" composition mildly irritating. It alternated chapters between the two characters and the chapters were usually about two short pages long. It was painful having to switch perspective so frequently. But I survived. And enjoyed.

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