Monday, December 20, 2021

Mammoth Goes to the Manatee, Day 7

Sunday, December 5
Salt Springs Recreation Area to Blackwater River State Park

Not sorry to be leaving. Salt Springs is a great area and the campground amenities can't be beat. But being so close around so many people with their dogs all over the place was getting tiresome. Great place; glad to leave!

We never did see the manatees but if we'd rented a canoe or if we had an inflatable to put into the water, I'm sure we would have.

Anyway. With a five-and-one-quarter hour drive in front of us, we got as early a start as we could manage. I think ten until ten, which is very good for us these days. After a tedious half or three-quarters of an hour on narrow little roads through horse farming country, we finally hit interstate I-95 north. And when it intersected with I-10, there we were until near the end.

The campsite manager called me while we were on the road to ask (a) if we'd ever been there before, and (b) how many vehicles we had. She didn't seem to do much with either answer, but I got the gate code from her in case we were to arrive after dark. We crossed a time zone on the way, which put us an hour earlier on the clock but right at the eastern edge of the zone when we stopped. So what does that mean to me? 

Our camp site.

Beautiful creek/river?  With white sand on the other side.
White sand!

Sundown at four-thirty. Really. Our bodies and brains are much confused.

And about how to arrange dog's suppertime, I don't have a clue. I should have fed them by the wall clock, which we never updated, and kept them on their own time. But I tried to move them, poor things, and now they have to move back.

Molly got a nice long walk after we arrived, but it started getting dark too soon and we had to quit. No animals, no birds. I don't think there are any birds in Florida...oh, wait. There was a bird--two. I stopped on the trail, peering into the bushes to see what a little bird was scolding about. (It may have been a squirrel--I can't tell grey squirrel scolds from birds') And as I looked, a red-shouldered hawk in a tree just over my head rose and sauntered off into deeper cover.

The walks here are wonderful, trails on thick, slidy sand and boardwalks all though the swamps. On the other side of the creek (I though it was the Blackwater River but it appears to be a tributary creek) there is supposedly a longer one. We didn't go that far.

But down at the "beach", where dogs are not allowed, there is gorgeous thick white sand next to dark stained water. The water is shallow, but there are still warnings about unexpected currents and pools. It would be nice to swim in.

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