Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Mammoth Does Not Go to Vicksbug Military Monument Day 2

 Wed 9/21 Day 2

A second day at Beaver Dam campground. It's really hot right now, with highs in the mid-90s and no wind at all. And a little humid, too--humid enough that our motorhome windows fogged up from the air conditioning running inside. Luckily our little de-humidifier is still humming along.

With the heat and our horrible colds, we just didn't have much energy for moving about. I'd taken one of Ed's 4-hour antihistimine tablets the night before, and that dried up my sinuses beautifully, allowing me a lovely sleep. In fact, I fell asleep literally "as soon as my head hit the pillow." I woke up many hours later and was surprised to see Ed in bed, snoring away. Usually I wake up--or am already awake--when he goes to bed.

Something-- either the drugs or the sleep or the good meal the night before--made me feel much better in the morning. But still no energy. We dragged over and walked a little ways on the trail across the upper lake spillway, but turned around halfway across the earthen dam between the two lakes. Or were they two parts of the same lake?  Dunno.


Then I ate a little lunch and took a little nap. At least the nap took place outdoors, in my lounge chair. But after a while the sun shifted around the trees and glared at me until I awoke. It was oddly refreshing, unlike the usual nap which leaves me hot, bothered and miserable.

Molly got a fairly nice, long walk in the afternoon. We went back to the boat ramp where the trail we'd taken in the morning started, but there were a few people hanging about and I decided to turn back. We detoured onto a side trail for a little while, but like the trail of the day before, it appeared to be taking us to a big, empty spot on the map. So we returned. All we saw were a couple of rabbits; all we heard was a possible summer tanager off in the trees.

And that was pretty much it for the second day. Not a bad day, by any means. Molly got a second walk just at dusk, pretty much the same route. It was dark when we returned and the stars were out, Jupiter was astonishing, and the Milky Way was way crazy beautiful. There wasn't a lot of sky exposed, but what there was was pretty amazing.

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