Sunday, January 1, 2023

Addicted to the series but not thrilled

Striking Range
by Margaret Mizushima

#7 in the series. I like them pretty well, and they're predictably good. But I wished I liked them better. The detective is smart, funny, and seems like a person you'd want to have on your case if you were a girl with a pregnancy that was promised to a nice couple that you'd never met. Her love interest is a pretty decent guy, but boring as heck. The parts where it switches perspective from her to him, and he agonizes over her and worries about her safety, then switches back to her so she can agonize over him and worry...well, you know. Boring!

Her dog does all the hard work, anyway. He's the best character.

And yes, I'll read an eighth in the series, if there is one...and there is. Guess I'm an addict.

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