Friday, February 17, 2023

Great dog mystery

 Death Scent
by D.L. Keur

Awfully good. No...really really good. No...great...?  No. Maybe not great but awfully good. The dogs are impossibly smart; the lead character human, smart, and even has a little surprising moment of weakness that endears her to us all. The implied romance teased but never took center stage, which was fine with me. And even though the author had to switch POV from time to time, it was necessary in order to tell a story from both the police detective (or was he captain? Yes, I think) and the dog trainer's locations when they weren't in the same scene.

The other characters all had interesting and unique parts to play, although I will point out that there was only the one female--the lead--and none of the supporting actors were female. Or did I miss someone?  I don't think so. But I liked them all. Especially the dogs.

The only slight quibble, and the thing which may have kept it to "good not great" ranking in my memory, is that the discovery of the killer was supremely anticlimactic and left me saying, Huh? Who was that, and how was I supposed to know he had a part to play?

So my advice: read it and hope the author keeps writing more and more of these. And learns to stick the ending.

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