Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Mammoth Meanders to Toledo Bend, Day 6

Saturday 21 Jan 2023

And return

The park filled up with families and screaming children and dogs off leash overnight. Which is difficult to understand, because how can a camping loop that only had eleven spaces "fill up"?  I think there might have been one or two still empty, plus the campground host site which is clearly occupied but I have not seen a single person outside the trailer since we came.

So it wasn't a pleasant place to be yesterday, and I didn't really feel like being outside anyway. Molly had diarrhea again during the night. I took her out for a dump, but also in the morning she had a pile in her cage. I hope she's over this soon!

Oddly enough, today was the first one in several where i actually felt energy in my legs. I could walk! and not just trudge along, stopping to rest every five or six paces. Is the misery finally over?

Not a great morning and not a great drive. I failed to give adequate instructions about going into the Love's, and Ed had to make a dangerous U-turn. And then he got in such an all-fired hurry, going 85-plus in a 70 mph speed limit and whizzing past long lines of big trucks, that he missed his exit in Greenville entirely. I wasn't paying attention--I would have thought he could take a simple route he's taken hundreds of times before.

So blah. Anyway, we're back at this place where our house is.

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