Saturday, June 24, 2023

Mammoth Takes Mother to Port A, Day 6

14 May

Another day of bad directions! By me. Grrr.  After waffles and bacon for breakfast (I had oatmeal, banana and an egg), we headed out for the Birding Center and then to the Walmart in Aransas Pass. For reasons unknown, even though I was navigating, I missed the turn onto a side road that would take us to the sanctuary. When I told Ed to turn left at the next street, he argued that "this was the correct way" (to the ferry!) and bypassed the turn. At that point getting him to turn the damn Jeep around would have taken an act of Congress, so I just told him to go on and we'd do the birding center on our way home.

Of course we never got there. By the time we waited close to 15 minutes for the ferry and then went on to the Walmart, and then purchased four items that took a short millenium, and then came back and waited for the ferry again, I was more than ready to return to camp. And also it was late enough that we'd begun discussing swimming in the afternoon.

So we returned and then after a lunch break and a short dog walk, the weather was warm and sunny outside and it was time to head to the beach!  We all got in the water, well, except Molly, and we all got wet at least to the waist. Only Ed went out and actually put his head under the water.

It was nice, almost absolutely perfect. Mostly cloudy, warm, and the water wasn't all that cold. Lovely day for the beach.

We returned and I did maybe twenty minutes of work, and then it was time for dog walk aka "feed the mosquitoes." Awful. The wind had settled down and it had warmed up after the rain, and the mosquitoes were out so severely that even Molly, with her dog-safe bug spray on, was distracted. I was distracted to the point of misery. We made it to the beach where we could stay out on the sand and away from the aerial onslaught, then we made it back.




White crabs on the beach at night!

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