Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 25

Friday, August 2

And home, only to find the heat pump thermostat off. It's likely we'll spend the next few nights in the motorhome. And the grass and weeds outside are so tall that it looks like no one ever lived here. My $70 Bur Oak tree is pretty much dead but the hackberry tree growing beside it is two feet tall.  Note that it wasn't there at all before I left, although there may have been a few leaves sprouting down low.

just horrible. I don't think I ever want to be gone so long again.  One of the hummingbird feeders was on the ground and Waynette had hung it on a concrete block, pretty much on the ground there, too. And the cord it was hanging by was chewed through with most of it is missing, probably buried in the tall grass.  I'll fix it tomorrow--for now I just cleaned and refilled it and hung it on the wire where I hang the bird feeder in winter.

Everything looks horrible. Horrible.

But as to memories of the trip...it was our longest trip to date. Too long? In some ways.  And it was somewhat disappointing--so many things anticipated and missed; so much adventures undone, places unexplored. I really really wanted to get out on the shore of Cape Cod and explore mudflats and marshes and see the little birds. I wanted to eat the farmed oysters and try some local clam chowder. I wanted to look for whales at the tip of the camp, at Provincetown.

But i did see the herring gull and the scarlet tanager. And Elyanna playing with her Grandpa was a hoot. And having them at camp was fun even if it did cut into our explorations. Plenty of time to do that when we don't have family nearby.

I enjoyed walking in the rain. Showers at bathhouses. The tall trees.  The last two campsites by water.  Sunsets. Long walks on wooded trails. Exploring the safe unknown. Loved all that--a major criteria for my campground choices from now on should be access to trail systems.

Trip Notes

450 miles with generator and 3-6 hours stoppage time (setup & teardown) leaves us 1/4 tank. Do not exceed this--aim for 425.

For a 24 day trip, 1 bag of trail mix is not enough! Will only last 21 or 22 days

Need to shave legs daily.

Check out Fall Creek Falls SP for camping. Also cloudland canyon. They have waterfalls.  Also Dauphin Island Campground.

Next trip bring prunes and veggie hash.

Try freezing guacamole. Bring tofurky and hummus for wraps

When scheduling the drive for a 4-hour leg, schedule either one break in the exact middle or two breaks, one at either end.  Anything else sucks.

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