Friday, September 20, 2024

Review: Walking Home

Walking Home: Common Sense and Other Misadventures On the Pacific Crest Trail

by Rick Rogers

Lovely adventure on the Pacific Crest Trail!  I didn't like it as much as some of the long trail travelogues I've read but that was only because he didn't spend as much time on nature stuff--plants, animals,  geology, all that.  But he did meet some wild and crazy people and have some fun (and cringe-worthy) stories.

Early on he starts off with new boots that he picked out himself, without any advice from a mountaineering/hiking store. The sort of boneheaded thing I would do myself. I know myself and I know my own feet, right?

Not under a 35-pound load, traversing rugged terrain!

Another part that was kind of scary and sad was about his hiking partner that he joined up with. She was a shallow, self-centered, idiot, and it took him a long time to figure that out.  I'm not sure if he ever did--but I'm scared to tell any more because I might be giving too much away.

Anyway, it's fun to read, hard to put down, and very much recommended. Fun stuff!  And his personal growth during the adventure, while understated, was enviable. At the end he was a guy I'd really like to go hiking with. And that says it all.

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