Thursday, September 12, 2024

Review: Hero Dogs

 Hero Dogs: How a Pack of Rescues, Rejects, and Strays Became America's Greatest Disaster-Search Partners
by Wilma Melville and Paul Lobo

Wonderful story of the vision, founding and execution of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, by the founder herself, Wilma Melville.  (Paul Lobo is her co-author)

As you'll find by reading the cover, after volunteering in the cleanup of the bombing at Oklahoma City, Ms. Melville made a vow to help 168 dogs receive search-and-rescue training in her lifetime—one for every Oklahoma City victim.  The dogs that were recruited and trained were mostly rejected shelter dogs, all of those that were too smart, driven and active to be adopted as family dogs.  In fact, mostly it was the most troublesome that--with a lot of patient training--became the best search dogs.

This is her story and it's fascinating from beginning to end. And not over yet!  She's like in her late 80s or early 90s and still kicking.

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