Saturday, September 14, 2024

Review: Wander

Wander: A Memoir of Letting go and Walking 2,000 Miles to a Meaningful Life

by Ryan Benz
Not your typical Appalachian Trail thru-hike. Mr. Benz was an older guy (30s ?), with a successful, well-paying career and a wife and even a house, I think.  His marriage ended because for both his wife and him there was nothing but the job and the lifestyle--they didn't grow together in their years together but instead grew apart.  And during those years, he kept putting off "real life" until some nebulous point in the future when he'd attained the perfect job and lifestyle.

The marriage ending jerked him into thinking about what he really wanted out of life, and it wasn't the high-pressure job or the big house or the perfect marriage. What was it?  He didn't know, so he quit.  All of it. To hike the trail.

Wish I had done the same thing, but there were too many people depending on me. But he did, and I couldn't stop reading to find out if he found what he was looking for. Would he or wouldn't he?  And could he even walk that far?
Read this and find out. I'll guarantee it's full of adventure and pain and happiness and finally, even joy.  And just possibly a mountaintop at the end.

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