Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mammoth Pursues Spring Migration, Day 8

 My Palm Warbler pics,


Good-bye to Reelfoot Lake, and back to Arkansas. We went across the flat, northeast delta of Arkansas, where the farm land was marked with irrigation canals, probably from the Mississippi River. Or the St. Francis But oddly enough, I don't remember the route we took. It seems like it would have been faster to go south on I-55, but I don't think we did.

Anyway, we liked the campground a lot. It was in a forest on a hill, with no lake in sight, but still nice. Actually if you went all the way to the end of the camping loop you could get a glimpse of the lake over across the day use and playground area. When we arrived and settled in, Molly and I took a long walk across the fields, through the day use area, and then on a trail that cut through the woods behind our campsite. It eventually came out to another "arm" of the lake with a nice view.

Here's my review which will give you an idea of the details.

Review Lake Poinsett State Park
$35 site 4
Immaculate and almost brand-new
A good bit of loving care had gone into the design of the campground. On the map it looked like a straight-line road with lined-up campsites on either side, but in actuality they were varied and well spaced. Some looked like they'd be great paired sites; some had little rails making a balcony effect; the one or two at the very end of the loop had lake view.  The whole park is very park-like--clean, well-mowed, huge pine and oak trees with little undergrowth, light and airy and beautiful. But there are more than enough ticks around to remind you that you really are out "in nature."

Site surfaces hard gravel; our site 4 was extremely level. Water and electric (50-amp) worked great. No sewer, but the dump station is beside the visitor center and well set up.

There were a few trails, all of which could be walked in a couple of hours. But they were very nice.  There was a big playground, basketball goals, and a few swings to sit on and admire nature.  Our campsite was quiet other than the sound of gunfire that went on until after 9:00 at night. It was coming from down south out of the boundaries of the park--not close, but close enough to scare my dog and ruin her walks. The only other issue I have is that several campers had extremely bright outside lighting that they left on all night long. If we'd been near to them, any chances of sitting out and enjoying the everything would have been ruined.

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