Thursday, May 30, 2024

Review: Flight of Passage

A memoir by Rinker Buck

He had a fantastic story to tell and he told it well. Better than well--wonderfully.

It's about two brothers, a father, and an airplane. And a magical, impossible, adorable trip across America. Having been to most of the places that the boys flew over, I understood and appreciated the scenery and challenges better than other people might. But even if you haven't been there, this book comes highly recommended.

It is quite dated now, having taken place in 1966. But not dated in a bad way--rather in a delightfully nostalgic look back at how young and innocent our country used to be and how beautiful the scenery can be when there weren't so many cars and roads and superhighways in it. Some of his descriptions of horses or prairie dogs or even Stearman pilots are a bit sad making, because their days are no more and no one can ever see what the two boys saw. But it's definitely worth a look back--a delightful one!

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