Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mammoth Pursues Spring Migration, Day 9

Thu Apr 18

Nothing exciting happened on our second day at Lake Poinsett. We went to , Jonesboro to see the Crowley's Ridge Nature Center. It was probably a pretty nice--and very small--nature center, but the trails were closed and there were a bunch of students and wheelchair people visiting.  I didn't ask why the trails were closed, but it didn't matter so much. the crowd would have made it hard to see anything anyway.

They had an excellent botanic garden set up, but very few of the plants were blooming at the time. Odd, because there are blooms all over everywhere else.

So we went back to camp and Molly got another very long walk. We took the second half of the trail we'd done before, in reverse, and looped back to the entrance station.  The skies had been threatening thunderstorms all day, so when we passed a group of park ranger-type guys I asked them, jokingly, when are the storms coming? They said the last forecast called for 3:30 pm.  It was only about 3:15 by then, so Molly and I went on and did the trail called the Upper Heron Loop or something like that, then took the same route back to camp.  Round about 4pm, rain started spitting down on us. But it wasn't serious enough to even need a raincoat.

Nice park but very small. We pretty much hiked all the trails they had in under two hours.

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