Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 220 - dogs don't eat tomatoes

I am lost in contemplation...

 ...of the amount of work that ought to get done this weekend.

By the way, my pepper predicament of yesterday has proven to be just a big misunderstanding.  Not all of the peppers are evil--I ate two today that were fine.  I'll just need to be very, very careful--taste first; chop into small pieces in mix into a salad, second.

So, as to the weekend.  I should mow; dig and prepare beets; mow with the hand mower; put out cardboard to cover weeds beside the purple hull peas; weed strawberries; pick peas; finish digging up and/or tilling the beds that didn't get planted--

And then Sunday.  Sunday I need to dig potatoes and pick Swiss chard.

I forgot the tomatoes--I need to tie up the plant that kind of drooped over during the rain this week.  And pick them...endlessly.  There is no gardening job easier or more rewarding than picking tomatoes.

On the dog issue, I can't figure out how to get her to gain just a little weight.  When I give her extra treats, like yogurt on her dog food, she just learns not to eat her dog food until I treat it.  I really don't want to go that route, although my dog sitter does it with hers--she adds chicken broth to their dry food.  I never have to add special treats to Werewolf's food, or Zack's--why does she have to be the picky eater?

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