Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 235 - no dog news--oh, wait.

Oh, sing the joys of sub-standard plumbing.  There is truly nothing to compare!  You go to use the toiled and discover that the previous flush failed.  You begin to plunge, the water disappears, so you do a second flush--and watch grey water is spill over the floor with every push of the plunger.

Isn't that the way to start a day? can only go uphill from here.  I'm planning simply to mow the garden, deal with the tomatoes, bell peppers and peas, and then do laundry and clean house.  No stress.

Later.  I got the tomatoes turned into stewed tomatoes and tomato sauce.  That's about it.

Oh, wait.  When I gave the dogs a bone today, she actually picked hers up and started down the steps with it--while I was still there.

Of course she immediately dropped it, noticed I was there, and backed off, but that's progress.

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