Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gardening In My Roots, mid-November edition

I've been out tilling (until the tiller croaked!) and forking and digging, in preparation for the spring to come. I don't plan to do a winter garden, but if I can find that piece of glass I used to use for a cold frame, I might plant a little spinach.

Yesterday I got out the measuring tape and re-laid it out in the rectangle it's supposed to be--29' by 25'; five beds, each 5' wide by 25' long.  It's starting to look like a garden again!

I dug up this poor little critter's burrow. She seemed unharmed, just a little shell shocked. I hope she had time to find a new home before it turned cold overnight. Ed and I built her a little house with a pizza box roof and some clods of clay for walls.

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