Friday, May 10, 2013

Of all the stupid ideas....

What a riot!  Ed had to work until seven so I thought I'd cook steaks for supper.  Yeah, me--I haven't cooked steaks in ten years.

I got the free-range meat okay--not saying how much it cost--then went to Kroger's for the veggies.  They had less than squat.  Their squash was so ugly I couldn't touch it; potatoes are boring; green beans would have taken too long to prepare; .  I finally ended up with two sweet potatoes; iceberg lettuce because he won't eat leaf lettuce, tomatoes, a grody-looking cucumber, and a bag of frozen lima beans.  I still like Kroger because they buy locally, but face it--the only thing ripe locally right now is salad and I have plenty of that out in the garden.

With Callie's help I got the coals lit--she's a true pyromaniac--and finally finished searing the steaks by about eight-thirty.  (Note: I left work at 4:45)  They were a little crisp on the outside and a little too rare on the inside, but they smell great. 

If I ever do this again, take note:
1. Have Callie start the coals.
2. Don't use quite so many.
3. Wait a little longer to put the meat on and let it cook a trifle slower.
4. More salt.
5. Sneak off some for myself before I serve it.

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