Sunday, January 15, 2017

Before kicking the you-know-what

One of my life's ambitions (you can call it a bucket if you like, but a bucket of what?)   One of my ambitions is to jog in the most beautiful places I can manage. It's not going to be easy since (a) I don't have a jogging partner, and (b) I do have a full-time job.  But my dog can help out sometimes and if I don't start spending less time jogging and more time on the job, I won't have that distraction much longer.
So here are my results to date:

1) The route from my door up the 'back way' to the top of the hill sports some of the most varied wild flowers I've ever expected. And there's one house with some amazing garden plots--I lusted after their rose bushes all summer. No scenery, but there are cows, vultures, snakes, and after a hard rain, tarantulas!  Nice.

2) Plano bike trails.  I only started them this fall after leaves went brown and evenings went gray, so they're not exactly beautiful to look at. But they're peaceful and contain ducks--lots of ducks.  I think I saw a young bobcat in December!

3) Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.  Okay, not exactly beautiful, but Hawaii!  This year the trees with the orange flowers were in bloom and littering the pavement, plus the birds are plentiful even if sparse in species.

4) Beach in front of Ala Moana Shopping Center, Honolulu.  My first experience of jogging barefoot on sand. I was carrying a ten pound purse and I wasn't dressed for the work, but my feet held up fine. They weren't as tough as they used to be so I kept a watch for shells and rocks.  The only thing that hurt badly enough to stop me was the tiny stretch of bumpty asphalt leading back to the car.  I could get into this beach running thing.

Where next?  TBD

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