Sunday, December 30, 2018

Gardening in my Roots, a winter bonus

Last fall I planted a row with radishes, carrots, turnips, and daikon radishes. I don't think a single radish or carrot appeared, but the turnips and daikon were doing fine--until the deluge. All through the dry months it rained, frequently and heavily. I stopped even walking (sloshing through the mud) out to look.

When I finally ventured out last week, I saw that most of the turnips had disappeared but one big clump of them were still green-topped and alive. Not exactly large, but big enough to hope for roots. And there were about eight plants in the daikon radish bed, four of which turned out to actually be daikon. I have no idea what the others are but I'll leave them alone and not disturb any more by tugging them out of the ground. They don't look like any weeds of my acquaintance, or any vegetable plant either. Maybe they'll fruit and feed some birds.

So here's the year-end harvest of glory:


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