Saturday, March 18, 2023

Failure to finish

by J J Johnson

I'm going to abandon this, one-third through. But I'll write about it to share my reasons with others. (And to remind myself not to accidentally pick it up again.)

I think the author has a pretty intriguing tale to tell. A young lady with some pretty severe anorexia, bulimia, and a whole lot of self-doubt, tries to get help. But everyone in her family refuses to believe she needs help. Then, when she goes to a treatment center, everyone there seems to think she's lying. Almost everyone.

And although I'm dying to find out how this goes, the writing confounds me. She's trying to make some kind of point with short, childish sentence fragments that are more suited to being captions for a graphic novel. Or poetry--very bad poetry. Here is how it reads,
Somehow, she'd always thought that she could do this.
Even at her most desperate,
with her monster at its most vicious,
a part of her thought she'd eventually find a way.
She believed that when she grew up, she'd be happy.
A grown woman, healthy, with a good life.
But now, the path from here to there is gone.
There is only a chasm.

Etc. And it doesn't stop. Even the spoken dialog is choppy and childish.  I don't have a clue what point she's trying to make by writing in this style, but it makes me nauseous.

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