Sunday, March 5, 2023

Teared up, lots. Dogs will do that to me.

 Free Days With George:
Learning Life's Little Lessons from One Very Big Dog
Colin Campbell

Beautiful, and it made me weep at the ending. Several times, in fact. And not with sadness.

Mr. Campbell is heartbroken and pretty near destroyed by his partner, who suddenly decides she doesn't want to be his partner anymore. And won't say why. I suspect that there were signs all along that she was emotionally distant and growing even more so, as well as selfish and downright cruel. Sure, if you're going to end something, end it--but at least give the person a reason.

And then...well, if you've read the publisher's blurb, you know where it goes from there. Among the better of the many dog books I've enjoyed. It was a little short, a little spare on details sometimes, and a little choppy in the writing, but nothing at all worth quibbling about. I recommend wholeheartedly.

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