Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Man's inhumanity to food

I'm once again betrayed by my fellow man.  Is there nothing so wholesome that man can't pollute?  Apparently not wheat. 

I'm not sure I believe his flight of fancy about how, "...unlike fruit, grains don't want to be eaten," but the bare facts about what man's selective breeding has done to the plant are enough to make me bury my loaf of whole wheat bread in the back field.  I'm scared to feed it to the birds.

Why am I surprised?  We've screwed up every other food on this planet.  We've raised generations of kids thinking an acceptable meal consists of high-fat, carcinogenically-prepared CAFO beef on a high glycemic-index bun.  With gluten.  It appears that the pickle and the onion are the only healthy components of the meal.

So...what else has man done?  Are my "Detroit dark red" beets and "Crimson lights" Swiss chard the products of selective breeding that brought in poisonous enzymes as they attempted to make it hardy for the home garden?

Next time I buy seeds, I'm going to lean strongly toward the heirlooms

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