Monday, February 11, 2013

On cinnamon, the ugly brute

Chicken Tikka Marsala, Golden Spice Rice, and those green things

Yesterday being another fellowship dinner at church, I didn't cook for the family.  It's been two weeks, now, and I'm afraid to look at the chives that were purchased for the Parmesan Swai--they could be scary.
So instead I cooked for me, alone.  And incidentally, relearned a lesson that I've already learned twice before--

No Cinnamon In Meat Dishes.

I thought it would be different, this time--the cinnamon was in the marinade for the Chicken Tikka Marsala.   But now the whole house smells like burnt cinnamon and the chicken, while it wasn't totally inedible, wasn't improved in the slightest by it.

No cinnamon.

I cheated by buying a canned sauce mix and it was pretty good.  I'd like to make my own, though.

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