Friday, October 5, 2018

Fecipe Reduction 33-32

Vibrant Vegan Double Broccoli Buddha Bowl
101 cookbooks

Stupid name for a recipe--I hope they had some reason for inserting Buddha into the name other that to augment the alliteration.  Not only was it not very good, but it had you do this:
Just before serving, toss the quinoa and remaining broccoli florets with about 1/2 of the broccoli pesto.  Taste and adjust if needed, you might want to add more of the pesto a bit at a time....

Then serve. So basically, I've just made a bowl of this hideous broccoli "pesto" and I'm going to throw almost half of it away?  Am I supposed to eat it on crackers?

The picture illustrates the problem. I solved it by spooning the whole of the so-called pesto into the bowl and calling it quits.

This is the kind of recipe you serve at a luncheon for vegetarians, half of whom will stop on the way home for a burrito at Taco Bell.

Kale Quinoa Bites
by Heidi

Strange. Not exactly bad but worthy of improvement. How about a handful of Thai bird chiles or a red chili chopped up inside, a little more garlic, and a little more kale in the mix. And more salt, of course.

Not trying to be mysterious--theses are just a mix of kale (I cooked mine), cooked quinoa, edamame, and bread crumbs; seasoned with salt, garlic, chopped onion and a bit of cheese. Make into balls and cook in the oven for 25 minutes.  So easy, I think I want to do it again--and try to actually make it taste good.

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