Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trip to Korea, Fifth Day

I forgot to mention I bought some red fruit shaped like tomatoes that seemed to be ubiquitous at the markets, in shades varying from yellow to red. It survived the trip in my tote bag back to the apartment and I ate it today.

It's Korean persimmon--either of the yun-shi or the hong-shi variety. It's delicious!

Of the four I bought, I only ate the reddest one. The others appear to be gradually reddening and softening on the counter, so I'll assume they're hong-shi.  The website implies yun-shi are very delicate and will smoosh up with any sort of hard travel...like the travel in the tote back from the market back to the apartment. I don't supposed they're considered "normal" enough to make the journey to the United States.

But that may be best. If people in America developed a taste for them, they'd go the route of bananas...monoculture, standardization, mechanization, overproduction.

So, today. Today I went jogging with my son and made a total bloody fool of myself. Literally bloody. Watching the baby stroller instead of the sidewalk, I tripped and took a face dive onto rough stones. You know that unhappy feeling between when you think you might still recover and when you know you're going down? I felt that feeling. And then I felt pavement.

One elbow broke the fall, but all the extra weight I've been carrying added to the momentum. If my stomach had hit next, that would have been fine. And cushy. But instead my chin grazed a brick and now the chin's all swollen and I won't be posting a picture.

It was a good jog up until then. Left to myself, I would have jogged on back but I think my son was getting embarrassed at the spectacle of my bloody carcass alongside him; we slowed to a walk.

That's about all I can say about the day. A little shopping for hardware to fix the toilet (the soap wasn't quite gone yet), then a little cooking. Tonight's lesson was "pot roast", administered by my husband. He's the meat guy--I do fish and vegetables.

Tomorrow, if I can walk, I'll do a long jog. I may look like a war casualty but at least it will make me feel strong.

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