Saturday, October 20, 2018

Trip to Korea, Eighth Day

After a short but well-felt jog in the morning, I had the total grandma experience! The kids were headed out to take the baby to the doctor and at the last minute decided to leave Number One Grandson with us. No, it was just me--Ed was downstairs. But he came up later and shared the glory...after I'd managed to stop the crying with a small application of Baby Shark and other kid videos.  The other videos weren't so good--if I had a little one, I'd probably consider it worthwhile to subscribe to Pink Fong, the producers of Baby Shark.

Once past the pain of separation, we did well. We played cars, ate a few spoonfuls of oatmeal, ate bread and fruit, did peek-a-boo, and did all the stuff babies do...including a massive diaper load that I was just in the beginning stages of cleaning up when the parents returned.  If only I hadn't sniffed!

We tried to go to one of the Palaces in Seoul but they were setting up for some sort of concert and the traffic was unbelievable and the parking lots full. I never saw such a mess of traffic!  All the intersections have at least five streets coming together; all the parking lots indicated on the GPS were down an alley at a 65-degree slow; all the parking lots we found on our own were inaccessible or extremely expensive So we came back (you won't notice this, but i just condensed five hours into two sentences) and ate a more than decent meal at the Brazilian Steakhouse, Casa Brazil. I thought I took a picture but had a defect in my finger positioning.

If I did tagging on Twitter this meal would be all about #SpicyKimchi, #PigOutBuffet, #CornChowder, #PlentyMeat although I didn't eat much of the latter, only the bit of chicken in the rice pilaf and the snips of bacon in the black beans. But they had salad and noodles and eggs and pickled stuff, yum! This was pretty much my only "full" meal since I've been here and it was very much enjoyed.

All the fruit I've been eating plus the bit of trail mix in the car and then the big meal on top of it moved my bowels with a vengeance. Back to the potty seat I went.

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