Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Trip to Korea -- preparation days still

I just demonstrated what happens when you pack your suitcase too early. (And under the influence of The Carry-On Traveler.) With plenty of time to think and compress and choose and discard, I ended up with loads of empty space. Enough space to let the other stuff crash around like billiard balls in a boxcar.  When Ed reminded me about the tendency of airlines to hire gorillas for baggage-loaders, I made a joke about filling the empty space with bubble wrap.   Then I amended it to, “or a big stuffed animal.”


Wanting some cheap travel shoes, and noticing that the M&Ms dispenser at work was near empty, I had the inspired notion of running over to Walmart on my lunch break to get shoes and candy.  And maybe, while I was there, look for a big, beautiful stuffed tiger?

Of course they didn't have one. But I went on to Target.  And now I will be filling the empty space with a huge battery operated Pikachu, a set of Jurrasic World mega blocks, and a small, stupid-looking stuffed tiger.

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