Monday, October 22, 2018

Trip to Korea, Tenth Day

Tears--suspense--anticlimax. All the necessary parts of a departure. Fearing we wouldn't have enough gas to reach the airport, Edward stopped on base to fill up. He left us standing in the road outside so we could worry better. (It's much faster if we don't have to get visitor's cards)

We made it within the two-hour window, which would have been cause for celebration--

Except the flight was delayed. By an hour. So me and son and baby One wandered around the airport for an hour--this is probably when I got exposed to the dire disease which I am presently carrying--and enjoyed watching the toddler toddle. Then more tears and more waiting and eleven-and-one-half hours of misery (the pilot decided to make up the hour by abandoning the scheduled route and cutting directly across the Pacific Ocean), then a stinkingly embarrassing mess of disorder at U.S. customs. Despite two wrong turns we made it back in time to pick up the dogs.

And it's over. (Except for the cough, sniffle and ear infection)  I might do it again someday--after I forget the bad stuff. (Airplanes, boredom, ear infection.)

A few random, last thoughts

There are gardens everywhere! Maybe not in the concrete-and-glass jungle of Seoul, but even there I saw rooftop gardens and little side-yard patches.  I read some articles today about WWII Victory Gardens and whether it might be possible to feed ourselves with small farms. Stop speculating, people! Go do your research--and start in South Korea.

Their recycling program was harsh! And, if it works, great!  All of the generic unrecycleable trash goes in special bags that must be purchased. So your motivation is simple--recycle all you can or pay for it.

For all the snarled-up traffic we endured, we seldom heard a horn honk.

On the freeways, speeding and bus lanes (I think) are enforced by camera. Kind of big-brotherish creepy, but at least it's fair.

And by the way, I'll definitely do it again.

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