Monday, October 9, 2023

Mammoth in the Land of Ups and Downs

Trip to Palo Duro Canyon and Rocky Mountain National Park
Wed 23 August 2023


We got off by 9:00 but not with the usual enthusiasm. Disappointment and worry over the brakes was the main reason and the brutally hot weather did not help. No matter what the air conditioner could do, it wouldn't be able to keep the entire Mammoth interior cool enough for human existence.

But it didn't do so badly--while the front seats were murderously hot from the engine heat coming through the floor and front dash, the middle seats were bearable. I didn't see Molly panting more than maybe once, and down on the floor where Zack hangs out, it was okay.

The brakes survived, but it would have been better if we'd gotten them replaced before the trip. Ed didn't realize how much wear was on the rear brakes until he did the tire rotation a couple of weeks beforehand. The front ones are good, and only one of the rear brake pads shows excessive wear.

So the drive wasn't so bad but it was awfully long. We arrived sometime before 4pm, which would be seven hours, but I'm not sure how much before 4pm. I forgot to write down the time until after we'd checked in and driven the 8-mile route down into the canyon. Our campground is nearly at the far end of the park, but the canyon keeps on going. How far? A long way at least. Probably 20 miles. I could look it up but don't want to waste the AT&T high-speed data on my phone.

When we were finally settled in place and I took Molly for a short stroll, my mood started to lighten. After all, this was what we were here for, right? To go--and to stop and look and see and listen--and then to go some more.

To look at canyon walls, and rocks and mesquite trees and odd plants.

Tons of lizards--one crept over to the air conditioner condensation drip off the motor home roof to get a taste of the wet mud there. Rock wrens, Mississippi Kites and some soaring falcons flying over. Lots of Lark Sparrows.  And on the next day, cloud shadows floating over the ground.

To listen? Almost nothing at all. There are a few crickets and an occasional bird chatter.  And a small plane flying over from time to time. And that's all.


Goodnight, good Mammoth.

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