Saturday, February 8, 2014

Golly this took a long time

I was very confused by Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple. 

It was certainly entertaining--a "lively romp"--but it lacked that certain something that pulls me into a story and prevents me from putting it down.  It had humor, plot and characters, but not story.  (see and go to 51. The Narrative Gift...)

The previous reader of the book felt the same way, I think.  Either that or she was a busy mother who only snatched short intervals from her day to read a page or two at a time.  I deduce this from the number of dog-eared pages, all of which had been left turned down, every three or four pages.  Towards the end they stopped--either she gave up, or else she stayed up an hour late to finish it in one big gulp.

I won't mention how inconsiderate it is to dog-ear the pages of a library book.  Would you do that to a book you borrowed from a friend?

But back to the book.  I don't think I'd recommend it, except possibly to a friend of mine who is a voracious reader but has a slightly different taste in literature than I do.  She likes quirky people who do strange things and frequently hover right on the edge of mental illness.  This has all of those.  And Manjula Kapoor is a hoot.  But I could definitely put it down.

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