Saturday, February 15, 2014

Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel

For the first time since I started doing audiobooks, I've found one that would have been better read on paper.  With a paper copy, I could have skimmed all the teenage angst--what am I doing here?  Where am I going?  Does she like me?  How could she like me?  Why am I kissing the girl with hair that smells like sandalwood?
Sheez--it's like Twilight with airships!

And that's a shame, because the action is superb and the imaginary world is mind-blowing.  I really liked this book--I just wished the main character would quit making the same stupid mistakes over and over again.  He reminded me of young Luke Skywalker--impetuous, stubborn, and incapable of following orders.  Barely lucky enough to survive.

But oh, what a magical world it weaves!   Airships, ornithopters and aerozoans; a skybreaker called Sagramata and the legendary wreck Hyperion; the rich girl, the gypsy girl, the Han Solo-style captain, and the mysterious "B" who seeks the same treasure.
Very cool.

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