Saturday, March 1, 2014

Heaven and purgatory

OMG.  Simplest recipe in the book and it took me half an hour and trashed my kitchen. 

The China Study Cookbook Recipe #8

Hummus wraps. 

Fresh, homemade hummus.  Compared to this, the stuff I bought in the grocery store tasted like creamed cardboard.  So it's worth the mess...but use the food processor, not the blender.  The blender didn't cut it.  (Punny)

The usual note to cookbook writers everywhere:  for every dish, assume the cook has never tasted it before.  Don't say, "to taste" to a person who doesn't know what a recipe is supposed to taste like!!!
If you're too much of a coward to write down the measurements you'd use, don't write the recipe!   Or, in the very rare case of guacamole, where the correct amount of salt cannot be guessed at, suggest a small amount to start with and then tell them to taste and adjust seasonings.

Then I planted some more spinach, lettuce, etc.  Hurried to the store and back to finish my hilling up.  Planted two very short rows of beets.  Then sprinkled everything because I don't trust the weather forecast farther than I can throw it.

Footnote to hummus--it has raw garlic in it.  The recipe called for two cloves, but I used one large clove.  But I ate two wraps, which appears to have been unwise.   It's been with me...the rest of the day...lurking in my Voldemort stuck on the back on my head.

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