Sunday, March 16, 2014

Long overdue Food Of The Week

I've not done a Food Of The Week in a while, so I'll pull out my long overdue

Nutritional Yeast

Basically it's yeast grown on molasses and then dried and deactivated.  A special species of yeast--not the same as Brewer's.  It's typically suggested as a source of vitamin B12 in vegan diets, but from what I can tell, it's mainly used as a flavor enhancer, sort of like MSG.  The taste has been described as cheesy and nutty, but I haven't been able to detect any flavor at all when I sprinkle it over popcorn.  It does seem to make me want less salt, which is good. 

The next time I have pasta with tomato sauce, I'm going to use it in place of that fake Parmesan cheese that has a nasty bitter aftertaste.  It's got to be an improvement.

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