Sunday, March 9, 2014

I wish I'd liked this better

Old Books, Rare Friends: Two Literary Sleuths and Their Shared Passion
by Leona Rostenberg and Madeleine Stern

Another long anticipated book that turned out to be not nearly as good as expected. Some parts were gripping, like the search for A. M. Barnard...but that occurred halfway through the book.  Both the early sections and the later ones turned out to be slightly dry-ish details of their bookbound lives, their discoveries and disappointments--much of the former and very few of the latter.

I don't know exactly why this shared biography didn't "come alive" for me--it may simply be that I read it while preoccupied with my own affairs, which at present are more composed of disappointments and include very few discoveries.

I'll donate my copy to the library and possibly they'll add it to the collection.  It belongs there.

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