Friday, January 5, 2024

Magnus the MIghty Motorhome takes us to Seminole Canyon, Day 2

 Wed 15 Nov
From Cedar Ridge to Garner State Park, the best route took us right by where we did not want to go--through Austin, New Braunfels, and skirting the top of San Antonio. But it wasn't a bad drive, just a few slowdowns and no stops.

Stupid cities

Garner was pretty much as I remembered it. We had the spot at the end of the loop, the one I'd remembered from before. It didn't have a view down to the river, but it was more isolated there and very nice. The campground was mostly empty--maybe 5-10% full.  Lots of excellent walking in and around the campgrounds.

On the first afternoon I went through the loop next door and sighted a bright red bird in the top of a tree. Cardinal, of course...but something made me take a better look. No! It was a Vermilion flycatcher!!!!   I only saw one once before and that was down on the Rio Grande when I was a college student. This one was brilliant in the sunshine and totally freakingly amazing.

But I didn't have the camera. (When I went back next day, he was nowhere to be seen.)  This is the best picture I could get.

Also I saw a jackrabbit. Poor Molly missed it.

The new motorhome was still keeping us constantly confused, trying to figure out where things were and how to do stuff. Tiring.


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