Thursday, August 15, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 10

Thursday, July 18

It rained all night and we wondered if the field in which we parked would turn into a muddy mess once we started moving. But it stayed firm and solid--no problem.  We had to drive through the gate back into the main RV park area in order to get to the dump station, but that was easy enough.

 Our Safari field in the morning

The rest of the camp and the dump station in the distance

And the road we did NOT take out,

But the day turned out to be a miserable disappointment. First, a 2:20 drive turned into 2:30 (taking the longer route to avoid overhanging tree limbs on narrow roads), then to 3:00 (lunch break), then to something unbelievable due to traffic slowdowns. We barely made it in by 2pm, but then after we'd backed into the spot and started setup, I realized I'd taken us to the wrong spot. The only way I could get a reservation at this campground was to take two back-to-back sites, one for one night and then one for two.  That wouldn't have been a problem but I took us to the second night's site instead of the first.

By the time we'd moved and hooked up, it was after three o'clock. The Starlink wouldn't connect. At all. The tree overhead seems to be doing a number on its view of the sky.

The museum I wanted to visit was closed, but we decided to go to a grocery. Also, Edward decided to bring his family camping on Friday (next day), so we went to the office and arranged a camp site for him.  Then to the grocery, where we found that driving around Cape Cod sucks--traffic, narrow roads, people in a hurry--and we had to pass up innumerable bike trails and old cemeteries and other interesting things I wanted to explore. And couldn't.

We went to the grocery to get a few food items we'd run out of--bananas, salad and stuff.  Because this was going to be such a long trip (24 days) we'd decided up front that we'd not try to pack too many perishables but instead get groceries along the way. On the way, we stopped at a magnificent beach overlook where we walk down into the sand just a little ways. It was on a bay and you couldn't see the ocean very well, but way down at the end were the big breakers just inside binocular range.

That was great, but about all we had time to do.

Returning home, Ed discovered that the salt storage bottle had got stuck in the pull-out pantry cupboard and prevented it from opening. That took a good while to disconnect.  Then Molly got a little walk, and then it was suppertime. Starlink still failed us but my phone's mobile data sufficed for watching Cobra Kai season six episodes 1 and 2.

The people running the campground we were at, Sweetwater Forest Family Camping, we very nice but their roads were poorly marked, very narrow and tree-lined. And the whole place very, very crowded with people. It was hard to walk Molly with all the people and dogs. And the closest bathhouse seemed awfully far to walk, however, the water was free and almost hot; the showers were tiny but there were two of them on each the women's and men's side with working shower curtains and a dry bench to stack your clothes.  After the previous night's ice cube shower, these were lovely.

No birds to speak of except catbirds all over the place. One nuthatch I didn't get a good look at. Robins and bluejays of course.

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