Monday, August 5, 2024

Review: The Promise by Robert Crais

The Promise (Elvis Cole, #16; Joe Pike, #5; Scott James & Maggie, #2)

Notice the Goodreads series list above. The author is running three series at once, and he decided to bring in all three in one story. Interesting idea, and if I'd been into either the Elvis Cole or Joe Pike series when I started, I might have found it less confusing.  I'd only read the Scott James & Maggie book #1 before.

So yeah. The mystery was really good and the human emotions quite involving and all very much worth the reading of.  But having four narrators plus an occasional chapter told from the view of the bad guy...all in one short mystery novel...too much.  Not too confusing, which I found surprising, but just too much context switching to make it a great, sit down and dig in 'till it's done, experience.

I'll see if I can read one of the older Elvis Cole or Joe Pike novels and let you know  how that turns out.

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