Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 15

 Tuesday, July 23


Heard a funny bird call. Ignored it for a while, then pulled up Merlin. Merlin said it was a Scarlet Tanager!!!  I never saw it.  It's possible that some of the songs I'd been writing off as robin or red-eyed vireo were tanager too. The songs are a little similar.  Didn't I read somewhere that a scarlet tanager sounds like a robin with a sore throat?

Saw a brown creeper.  And a very annoyed wren with a lot of striping on the back; not a Carolina.

Molly and I went for a lovely long walk, starting at the Lost Trail trailhead by site 9 or 8 or something.  We went for a lovely long walk every day, but this one was interesting because we got "lost" on the way home.  We were headed on the trail back toward the campground, but the trail seemed to be going farther and farther away from the camp and out into the big empty space on the map.  I knew it was several miles long and didn't want to come back that way, so I checked it on GPS and decided to backtrack.  I think if I'd persisted, we'd have come out back where we started but I couldn't be sure and my legs were getting tired. Oh, well.  I wish for a day when we could go on and on and never think of getting back.

I think this was the night that we ate at a little Chinese buffet (Empire buffet?) not too far from the park.  Ed got a touch of upset stomach afterward. He had semi-diarrhea for a couple of days.   No such issues for the rest of us.  The place was small but more than adequate, and my veggie noodles were excellent.  I'd go there again if in the area. And if I could just remember which one it was.

At the playground,

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