Friday, August 2, 2024

Review: Bones, Anorexia, OCD and me

How did she keep a diary consistently enough to write this? Because it's really detailed and it goes on for years. Years when she told herself the same lie every day--I will stick to the eating plan this time--and failed, every single day. Her anorexia morphed to bulimia (binging and purging) early and it surprises me that she calls it anorexia in the title. I always make the distinction between "starving yourself to death by eating very little" and "starving yourself to death by puking up everything you eat." And after the first few years, she clearly had the latter.

Pretty wow as in amazing. Although if you want to read this book, I'd suggest you read the first one-third and then skip to the last two chapters. Because almost everything in between is the same old misery on rinse-and-repeat cycle.  I'm not saying it was repetitive or boring, but don't waste your time hoping for a magical moment. Recovery just happens and I don't think she knew exactly why. Having a badass therapist helped.

Fyi, I didn't find it triggering at all. So it's safe to read if you're prone to eating disorders yourself.

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