Saturday, August 24, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 16

Wednesday July 24

Last night at West Thompson Lake. Love the trails!  This time Molly and I went cross-country behind our camp to get on the Lost Trail (which I call the Blue trail, on account of the blue rectangle markers), then headed to the lakeshore trail. We went a long way out the lakeshore trail.

A few notes about this campground. First, it's awesome. The road coming in requires a little zig-zag route from I-395 (or is it 595?). But it's okay for the Magnus RV's clearance and only takes about 10 minutes.  At the end, the road makes a 3-way split with the parking lot to the disc golf course on the left, the boat ramp on the center, and the campground to the right.

The disc golf course has got to be the most challenging course I've ever seen. First there are the trees, and second, there are the ferns.  And no fairway that I can discern. If your disc went the slightest bit off its line--as mine always do--it would bury itself under ferns and never be seen again. A person would have to put AirTags on their discs to play here.

But it is incredibly beautiful.  The ferns are otherworldly--bright green and not a dead frond that I could see, all the same and endlessly different, magical and mystical.

The campground has a basketball court (one hoop), horseshoe pits, a guard station, and then a road that circles around the bathhouse and playground in the middle and campsites all around the outside and inside. But all total, there are only about 25 of them, half RV, half tent, and a couple of floored shelters. No screens for bugs, but a very nice place for tenting in the rain.

It's water/30-amp electric only but there's a convenient dumpstation on the way out. The host said they'd started a conversion to 50-amp the year before, but stopped work when the contractor sued the government for some reason or other.


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