Saturday, September 15, 2018

Recipe Reduction 42-41

Black Sesame Otsu With Soba Noodles
by Heidi Swanson

Very good and very fattening. I shall enjoy my lunches immensely this week.

The otsu is the combination of toasted pine nuts, sunflower kernels, and sesame seeds. She had many warnings not to overtoast--remove from the heat as soon as you smell a hint of toasted sesame.  I hope I did okay.

Then you mix the seeds with sugar and mirin and vinegar and toasted sesame oil and soy sauce and cayenne pepper (love the cayenne pepper!), thin it out with some of the cooking water from the noodles, mix it all up with sliced green onions and a little fried tofu. Wonderful.

Bhindi Masala
by L.V.Anderson for Slate's You're Doing It Wrong series

A great way to use up okra in the summer, but the sauce was off. Maybe because I forgot to salt it, or maybe because I knocked over the bowl I'd measured the spices into and lost part of them.  But the main problem was the tomatoes--too sour.  With fresh, ripe home-grown tomatoes it would be awesome.

Unlike many of my favorite Indian recipes, there seems to be no way to make it low calorie. The okra is fried and it absorbs all the oil as fried okra typically does.  Next summer, or maybe next week since I'm still getting a dozen pods a day out of the garden, I need to look into a stewed okra dish.

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